
At Infuse, we are dedicated to delivering an enchanting and rejuvenating tea experience that captures the essence of nature’s diverse flavors. Through the harmonious fusion of natural ingredients and high-quality tea leaves, we craft innovative tea products that cater to a variety of tastes and preferences.

Our vision extends beyond delighting your palate; we are equally devoted to sourcing our ingredients ethically and sustainably, reflecting our deep appreciation for tea’s health benefits.

In particular,

Our mission is to enrich your tea-drinking journey, promote eco-friendliness, and preserve the planet for generations to come.

Being guided by these two tenets, we aspire to impart a taste of this captivating drink and introduce a lively, all-embracing love and respect of tea to Filipinos.

Privacy Policy & Contact

At Infuse, our commitment to safeguarding your privacy is paramount. We collect essential personal information, such as name, address, and payment details, solely for the purpose of providing you with a seamless shopping experience. This information is utilized to process orders, offer customer support, and enhance our website and services. Your data security is a top priority, and we employ robust measures, including SSL encryption and restricted access, to ensure its protection. We do not share your personal information with third parties without your consent and provide you with choices, such as opting out of promotional emails. Our Privacy Policy is subject to periodic updates, and we encourage you to review it for any changes.

We value your inquiries and feedback at Infuse. Whether you have questions about our exquisite tea leaves, need assistance with an order, or simply want to share your thoughts, we’re here to help. Please find the various ways you can reach us at [email protected]. Thank you for choosing Infuse for your tea needs; your trust is valued, and we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of privacy.